alert on the excessive consumption of wood for grilled tabaski mutton

alert on the excessive consumption of wood for grilled tabaski

Tabaski is celebrated this Saturday, July 9, in Niger. On this Muslim holiday, families share a sheep sacrificed the same day. Beyond the question of the costs engendered by these celebrations and which weigh on family budgets, several civil society organizations in Niger warn of the excessive consumption of wood for grilling.

In this country Sahel threatened by desertificationthese NGOs have launched a campaign to encourage Nigeriens to change their habits and make them aware of the importance of preserving the environment.

Our campaign revolves around four messages: reduce the use of wood during the tabaski party for grilling, by doing collective grilling ; use alternatives to wood energy ; invite our fellow citizens to plant a tree for each slaughtered sheep and say zero grilling because we can indeed celebrate tabaski without grill the mutton », explain to us Sani Ayouba, head of the Young Volunteers for the Environment of Niger and coordinator of the campaign ” Teco-friendly abaski », Joined by Magali Lagrange of the Africa service.

Between 40 000 and 50 000 tons of wood in one day in Niamey

So we would like tabaski to be an opportunity to reduce wood consumption to preserve and contribute to restoration efforts. According to studies by the Ministry of the Environment, in the city of Niamey alone, it is the equivalent of 40 000 to 50 000 tons of wood consumed in one day. And we know that can’t last! Not only are we a Sahelian, desert country, but today we are also experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis and we all know that trees have a very important role, such as against bad weather or reducing their impacts. », Underlines Sani Ayouba again.

Read also: Tabaski: the price of mutton explodes in Mali and Chad
