Alert on GBL, this automotive solvent diverted to be used as a drug

Alert on GBL this automotive solvent diverted to be used

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    GBL is an industrial solvent for cleaning car rims. But this product is diverted from its use to be taken as a euphoric drug. These effects can also serve as a “rapist drug.” Health authorities are sounding the alert.

    Solvent intended for cleaning rims, GBL (gamma-butyrolactone) is increasingly diverted from its primary use, to be consumed as a drug. Indeed, in our body, GBL transforms into GHB, also called the “rapist drug”.

    A drug that allows chemical submission

    GBL appears as a colorless viscous liquid. It is a very acidic chemical. In recent years, this solvent has been diverted to be used in chemsex parties (contraction of chemicals sexuality, sexuality under drugs in French) or as a “date rape drug”.

    It is incorporated into a drink and helps generate a euphoric state. But one milliliter too much can also plunge the consumer into a coma or even kill them. Health authorities are therefore concerned about this misuse and the alcohol-like effects of this product.

    Although the substance is prohibited for sale to individuals in France beyond a concentration of 10%, many sites which present themselves as industry or automobile professionals offer quantities of up to ‘at 5 or 10 liters, according to our colleagues from France 3 Auvergne Rhône Alpes.

    What are the symptoms caused by GBL?

    In an article for The Conversation, Drs Karila, Benyamina and Authier describe the symptoms caused by the consumption of GBL. We find in particular:

    • Skin irritations, upon contact with the skin;
    • Neurological signs such as headache, altered consciousness, dizziness, decreased reflexes, impaired speech, loss of coordination, abnormal movements, cramps, double vision, and dilated or dilated pupils tight;
    • Disorders of the digestive system with accelerated intestinal transit, vomiting, and inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis);
    • Breathing difficulties;
    • Transient high blood pressure;
    • A decrease in their heart rate (bradycardia);
    • Psychiatric disorders, with possible acute anxiety attacks, acute delusional disorders, cognitive disorders;
    • Depressive, suicidal or paranoid tendencies, as well as aggressive behavior cannot be excluded;
    • Finally, addiction to the product is also possible.

    More than 200 cases of poisoning recorded in France

    According to experts, between 2005 and 2011, “more than 200 cases of GBL poisoning have been identified in France by the toxicovigilance and addictovigilance networks“.

    To avoid any risk, they recall the main measure to reduce the risk of involuntary consumption of GBL and GHB, which consists of not “never leave your drink unattended when attending a party“Finally, they recall the criminal sanctions incurred.”in the event of sale or transfer to the public of GBL or GHB“: three years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.
