Aleksi Virolainen v ENCE! Major Tuesday culminates in the expected Finnish encounter – watch live

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G2’s Finnish star Aleksi “Aleksib” Virolainen is playing against his former team ENCE from the place of the majors. Follow CS: GO’s top tournament live at Areena.

Counter-Strike: The first runners-up will be decided at the Global Offensive live tournament in Belgium on Tuesday. Vitality and forZe as well as G2 and ENCE will play from the places in the second round of the majors to be played in Antwerp to “Legends stagelle”.

The top matches will start at around 16:00 with a match between French Vitality and Russian forZe. Both recorded two wins in their account on Monday’s opening day, while the sequel comes off for a better team on three maps.

In home viewers, however, the greatest interest will be in the last run of the evening, which will begin around 7:15 p.m., between G2 and ENCE. The only Finnish player in the majors is the skipper of the G2 Aleksi “Alexib” Estonian.

In addition to the actual Finnish thrill play, the match is also without a doubt the toughest in the major tournament so far: ENCE is in the top three on the world list dated on Monday and G2 is sixth.

Tuesday night’s winners advance straight to the second stage of the majors, the top 16. In that case, games in the tournament will continue on Saturday, May 14th.

The loss doesn’t mean a drop yet, but you can still try your place in the tournament on the Swiss chart on Wednesday and Thursday.
