Alarms about explosive threats and abuse at high school – the principal critical

“Someone has created an account on Snapchat where you have written that you should slap the school at midnight the night until Monday.”

This is how the police describe one of the events from the past year that is linked to the School Arena Academy in Majorna in Gothenburg.

Furthermore, these are several abuse cases, illegal threats and a brawl in which some 40 students gathered to fight.

According to the police, the alarms from Arena Academy have been so many that they have decided to alert to the School Inspectorate, something that also Gothenburg Post Previously reported.

– It is very unusual for us to send PM to the School Inspectorate. But we feel that these situations, which are often violent, escalate, says Max Olsson, local police area manager in Gothenburg City.

Opinions go apart

But Rector Carla Rivera Carrera does not share the police image. However, she admits that there are problems at the school that have 230 students. According to the principal, about 20 of these are in crime or at risk of crime.

But that it would be at the level that the police paint it in the PM, she does not agree with.

– I was very disappointed that the black paints the staff, that we lack the knowledge. We have a very good study at school, says Carla Rivera Carrera.

When it comes to the threat to “slap the school”, the police have misinterpreted the situation, she says.

Local Police Area Manager Max Olsson responds to the headmaster with a call:

– Contact us. We have the social services who want to enter here too, so we will deal with it. The most important thing is that no students get stuck.

Decision on closure

In February 2024, the School Inspectorate withdrew the state of the Arena Academy free school in Majorna. The reason should be that persons who have been considered inappropriate by Säpo worked in student -close and leading positions, according to the School Inspectorate.

The Administrative Court canceled the decision and, in anticipation of a decision in the Supreme Administrative Court, the school has continued to be able to teach.
