Alarm about drowning was drunk man on surfboard

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According to SOS Alarm, both the rescue service and an ambulance were called to Tolvfors outside Gävle at 11 o’clock. What was called a drowning turned out to be a heavily intoxicated man on a surfboard.

– It was a little different, it was a man who was heavily intoxicated on some form of surfboard out in the river, says Pär Palm, emergency officer at the rescue service.

The surfboard was anchored

According to the rescue service, the board must have been anchored and the man must not have been in the water but on the board at all times. They dragged the man ashore and he was then taken care of by an ambulance.

– There was no injury at all, he was simply too drunk to get anywhere. The board was also anchored, so it was still in the water, says Pär Palm.
