Al-Hilal eliminates Flamengo and advances to the final

Al Hilal eliminates Flamengo and advances to the final

Contents of Radio football internationale this Wednesday: – Club World Cup: Al-Hilal eliminates Flamengo and reaches the final, a first for the Saudi Arabian club and a little surprise! – Does Real Madrid have trouble facing Al Ahly?

– Liga: FC Barcelona, ​​comfortable leader! Is Xavi winning his bet? François David will tell us more!

– Coupe de France: Paris moves to Marseille. Focus on a classic more balanced than ever? Thomas de Saint Léger, our special correspondent, live from the Vélodrome stadium will present this shock to us!

To discuss it with Annie Gasnier, our consultants of the day: Nabil Djellit, Patrick Juillard and Naïm Moniolle – David Fintzel – Technique/Direction: Laurent Salerno.
