Åkesson wants to drug test the entire Riksdag

Jimmie Åkesson (SD) believes that it is reasonable to drug test members of the Riksdag.
The play comes after Aftonbladet’s revelation that cocaine residues were found in several party offices in the Riksdag.
– I think it would be perfectly reasonable to do so in this workplace, just like in all other workplaces, says Åkesson.

Aftonbladet’s review showed that there were traces of cocaine in the toilets of the Left Party, the Liberals, the Sweden Democrats and the Social Democrats in party offices.

Now the Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson says that he can imagine drug testing the entire Riksdag.

– I think it would be perfectly reasonable to do so, says Åkesson.

It is unclear how long the residues have been in the chancelleries and the Liberals will now carry out their own tests, S and SD have contacted the Riksdag administration and the Left Party will contact its protection officer.

– The number of blackheads among drug addicts is quite large and that should be addressed both by us and by other actors in society, says Åkesson.
