Åkesson: Multiculturalism is the people’s nightmare

The politicians’ dream of a multicultural Sweden has become the people’s nightmare, writes Jimmie Åkesson (SD) on Expressen’s debate page.
The party leader of the Sweden Democrats describes the development in the country as “a political assault”.

Jimmie Åkesson (SD) writes in the debate article that he is convinced that everyone has seen a change in Sweden in recent years. He believes that the country has gone from being one of the safest in the world to becoming the country in Europe where the tensions and polarization are at their greatest today.

“The development has not happened by chance, but is the result of a decades-long insistent political assault on Swedish society and the Swedish people. The politicians’ dream of a multicultural Sweden has been prioritized above all else, and has today become the people’s nightmare,” writes Åkesson.

The party leader puts recent reports in the media about shootings, explosions and murders in connection with immigration in recent decades.

“Reversing the social development will not be easy. It will take years and require strong political action, but we are ready to do what it takes. Sweden must now do away with the multicultural experiment,” writes Åkesson.
