Åkesson disappointed with the election result

It was a disappointed Jimmie Åkesson who gave a speech to his party colleagues at the vigil after the preliminary election results were presented.
– It is clear that this election campaign will need to be analyzed. We need to think about why we are not growing. But we get to keep our three mandates, says Jimmie Åkesson during his speech.

SD leader Jimmie Åkesson gave a speech to his party members at the election vigil at the Josefinas tavern on Djurgården in Stockholm after the first election results were presented at 11pm on Sunday evening. And it was a disappointed SD leader who spoke.

– This is the strangest election campaign I have been part of in my entire political life, he says during his speech at the vigil.

– We haven’t been allowed to talk about what we want, and not anything about what we think, he continues.

The SD leader was otherwise satisfied with keeping his three mandates in the European Parliament.

– It is clear that this election campaign will need to be analyzed. We need to think about why we are not growing. But we get to keep our three mandates, says Åkesson.

Charlie Weimers: “Of course it’s disappointing”

The Sweden Democrats’ top candidate, Charlie Weimers, believes that Kallafakta’s disclosure of anonymous accounts was a large part of the explanation for the party’s poor election results.

– It is clear that it is disappointing that we do not reach higher, he says to TV4 Nyheterna.

– SVT’s hearing was 50 percent about Cold facts, and I was not allowed to talk about substantive politics, and what I wanted to do with migration and energy policy. When the substantive issues end up in the cloud, we get beaten, he continues.

Weimers is supported by his party mate Dick Erixon, who also ran for the EU elections.

When more than 5,900 of the 6,275 electoral districts counted on election night were counted, the SD had retreated to 13.4 percent, according to the preliminary figures. If the result stands, it will be the first time that the party backs down in an election.
