Plans are getting off the ground for the 2023 Wings and Wheels Charity Show, Brantford’s first airshow in three years.
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The event, hosted by the Brant United Way, will be held on Aug. 30 at the Brantford Municipal Airport, with the gates opening at 11 am
Organizers promise more than two hours of aerial demonstrations, including those performed by the Skyhawks, the Canadian Armed Forced Parachute Team, in a “festival atmosphere,” which will include food vendors, games, meet and greets with performers, and displays of cars and planes “where people can get up close with these amazing machines.”
“This event has been such an important part of our community for so many years, and it has been great seeing so many volunteers return to help again this year, as if no time has passed,” said Don Williamson, chair of Brant United Way’s 75th campaign. “This is a great group of people and they are pulling out all the stops to make an event that’s a fun day for people of all ages, and is inclusive and affordable.”
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Admission will be free and by donation but there is a fee for parking.
The Brant United Way was the original sponsor of the airshow. From 2017 to 2019, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum partnered with the Rotary Club of Brantford to put on the show, which has been grounded since 2020 due to pandemic restrictions and difficulties finding sponsors.
The Brant United Way agreed in March to return as the airshow sponsor.
“Brant United Way had previously been part of hosting this event so, in a lot of ways, this is more like a return, rather than something new,” said Dan Rankin, executive director of the agency. “However, there has certainly been a lot of learning involved.
“We knew going into this year it would be tight in terms of timing, not just for booking acts, but in really having the time to learn about hosting this type of event. We have been very lucky with the acts that were available. We are certainly looking forward to next year when we have a whole year to prepare.”
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Rankin, who credited the City of Brantford and County of Brant for their support, said they hope to announce the final lineup next week.
“Our No. 1 goal has been to plan an event that not only provides a fun afternoon for members of our community, but that keeps in mind the importance of keeping costs down. Our goal is that a small family could attend the event, get a bite to eat and maybe even buy some souvenirs, all for the cost of going out the movies and buying some snacks at the concession.”
Because organizers had a late start planning the event, a “wheels” portion, featuring classic cars and, potentially, a jet truck demonstration, has been added to this year’s show. Many aerial acts had already been booked for other events by the time Brant United Way came on board.
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This will be the first year visitors can secure parking for the airshow in advance by booking a pre-paying online at brantunitedway.org. Pre-pay parking is $20 per vehicle, with the option of getting “priority arrival” between 11 am and 11:30 am After that time, any unreserved parking will be available to those who didn’t book ahead at a cost of $25 per vehicle.
Rankin said the United Way has invited small and mid-sized local charities to be part of the show.
“Partner charities will bring volunteers to help out with the event and host some type of fun and interactive booth. This might be hosting a game or contest, or something else that will make the event even better.
“By working together as partners, we can all be part of something exciting, with the charities sharing in the funds raised by the event. This will provide them with a little extra funding during these uncertain economic times.”
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