Airplanes disrupted air traffic at Arlanda, Sweden, for the third day already | Foreign countries

The Swedish police suspect that the acts were intentional, and an investigation has been launched into the incidents. The police did not want to assess the motives of the perpetrators.

In Stockholm, airplanes are disrupting air traffic at Arlanda airport for the third day already, says Aftonbladet-leaf. The Swedish aviation authorities have confirmed the matter to the news agency TT.

The civil aviation authority on duty Eric Casselberg says that because of the airplane spotted near the airport today, some take-offs and landings had to be changed. However, according to him, traffic is now back to normal.

Airplanes have flown into the airport’s airspace on the previous two days as well.

Motive unclear

The plane, which was spotted late Monday evening, led to minor delays on some flights, after which traffic was restored.

On the night before Monday, however, air traffic at Arlanda stopped for almost two hours when four airplanes flew into the airport’s airspace. Flights were either re-routed to other airports or delayed.

The Swedish police suspect that the acts were intentional, and an investigation has been launched into the cases. However, according to AFP, police spokesman Daniel Wikdahl did not want to assess on Monday what the motive for the act could be.
