Airlines hide it from 80% of passengers: here’s how to claim up to 600 euros from them

Airlines hide it from 80 of passengers heres how to

If you travel by plane, know that you have rights. Airlines do not always communicate about the compensation you could claim. What there is to know.

It often happens to find yourself stuck at the airport due to a flight delay or to be informed at the last minute that the plane will not be able to take off on the scheduled date. Travelers often find themselves destitute and most of them do not really know whether or not they can claim compensation from the airline. However, according to European regulations, users benefit from rights. In the newspaper Le Figaro, Jérémy Peiro. co-founder of Delayed, a platform aimed at supporting travelers in their reimbursement request, estimates that “only 20% of them are aware of European regulations”. According to a survey by the passenger support site AirHelp, 80% of Europeans and 77 of French people are unaware of their rights to be compensated. Indeed, in the event of overbooking or when a flight is canceled or delayed for more than three hours, compensation may be granted by the airline, under certain conditions. This amount can even reach 600 euros.

So, in what cases can you get reimbursed? You should know that according to European law, weather events, strikes by baggage handlers or air traffic controllers, security risks or even natural disasters do not give rise to compensation. You may, however, be eligible for a refund when the flight cancellation or delay comes from the airline itself. This is particularly the case for a technical problem or sick staff causing disruption for users. “In all cases, whether the flight is European or non-European, you are entitled to at least a refund of your ticket, and possible damages if this cancellation has caused you particular harm (financial and/or moral)“, recalls the Ministry of the Economy on its website.

What are you entitled to in the event of a delay or canceled flight?

In case of cancellation, for European flights, the airline is required to offer you another flight to the planned destination city, under conditions identical to the initial flight. In this case, the airline must cover your hotel and catering costs until your arrival, or refund your plane ticket within 7 days.

In the event of a delay of more than three hours, the company must also offer you refreshments, catering, the possibility of telephone calls, a night in a hotel depending on the schedule of the next flight, as well as transport from the hotel to the airport.

In case of cancellation or delay of your flight more than three hours on arrival, you can claim:

  • 250 euros for flights of less than 1,500 km
  • 400 euros for intra-community flights or flights of 1,500 to 3,500 km
  • 600 euros for other flights over 3,500 km.
  • In the event of a delay of at least five hours at departure, and if you cancel your trip, the company will have to refund your plane ticket in full.

Please note that flights must take off or land in a European country, with a European company, to be entitled to this compensation. “The European countries concerned are the countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland“, reminds the Ministry of the Economy. Finally, to request a refund, passengers must send, online or by registered letter with AR, a request for compensation to the airline’s customer service. Don’t forget to attach all the elements relating to your trip such as the electronic ticket, the reservation confirmation, your boarding pass if it has been issued, your baggage tags, etc.
