Airlines apologize: Nude on screens

Airlines apologize Nude on screens



fullscreen Stock image of a Qantas flight taking off from Sydney Airport. Photo: Mark Baker/AP/TT

Passengers on a flight from Sydney to Tokyo last week got more entertainment than they bargained for.

Due to technical problems, passengers could not choose what they wanted to see on their screens. Instead, the cabin crew chose a film that was shown to everyone: the drama “Daddio”, which contains explicit references to oral sex and masturbation.

The film also shows, among other things, an erect penis and bare female breasts. Now the airline Qantas is apologizing.

“The film was clearly not suitable to be shown for the entire flight and we sincerely apologize to customers for this experience,” said a spokesperson for the Australian company.

However, the mistake was corrected a bit into the film. The passengers then got to watch a “family-friendly” movie for the rest of the trip.
