Air alert over Israel after rockets from Gaza – one dead

It is about tens of rockets that were fired from several places around Gaza early Saturday morning, according to the AFP news agency’s reporter on the ground in the Palestinian area.

A 70-year-old woman was reportedly killed in Kfar Aviv in the Gederot district after a rocket hit a building, according to the Israeli rescue service Magen David Adom (MDA). At least three more people have been injured after being hit by shrapnel elsewhere, CNN reports. According to MDA, the injuries are relatively minor.

Israel took possession of Gaza in connection with the Six-Day War in 1967. Since 2007, when the terror-labeled Islamist group Hamas gained power in Gaza after a disputed election, the area has been subject to a blockade by Israel. Militant Palestinian groups and Israel have fought several devastating wars since then.

The text is updated.
