Aiop Giovani, Gaia Garofalo elected National President 2024-2028

Aiop Giovani Gaia Garofalo elected National President 2024 2028

(Finance) – Aiop Giovani, the Italian Association of hospital and territorial healthcare companies and residential and territorial social-healthcare companies under private law, has renewed the national positions. The National Council has elected Gaia Garofalo as national president of Aiop Giovani for the four-year period 2024 – 2028. Garofalo takes over Michele Nicchio, who has led the Association for two consecutive terms since 2018. National vice presidents will be: Francesca Puntinregional vice president of Aiop Giovani Veneto; Tilia Ludovica Miranda, regional president of Aiop Giovani Campania; Franco Giardina Poperegional president of Aiop Giovani Sicilia.

“I am honored by the trust shown in me with this appointment and by being able to represent Aiop Giovani for the next four years – she said Garofalo –. The approach of these four years will be the result of the widest sharing of ideas and proposals of the various members. Our objective is to continue the path of training young entrepreneurs and increasing the impact and intervention capacity that Aiop Giovani has towards the outside. To achieve these goals, we will propose initiatives aimed at cultivating relationships and exchanges with national and European institutions, without forgetting to build relationships with youth associations in sectors also different from ours, because we believe that the most interesting opportunities can arise from comparison.”

Garofalo was born in Rome on 1 September 1986. After graduating in Literature and Philosophy from La Sapienza University of Rome, she specialized in Economics and Business Management at Luiss Guido Carli. She began working in healthcare in London, immediately after graduating, at various public NHS hospitals, and then continued as a consultant in the healthcare sector at KPMG. Since 2013 you have been managing director of the Italcliniche Group. She was vice president of Aiop Giovani Nazionale from 2018 to 2024 and regional president of Aiop Giovani Lazio from 2018 to 2021.
