AIK stops business with agent after review

According to the review, the agency, which is said to have links to gang crime, has succeeded in infiltrating the club and, among other things, influenced recruitment. For example, there must be both trainers and scouts who go about the agency’s business.

— We have of course received the information and we have taken measures. We will not do business with the agency. They represent players in our academy, it will not affect. But we will not bring in new players from them and will not use them for player sales, says AIK’s club director Fredrik Söderberg to Aftonbladet.

He admits that the agency has had too much influence on the club. He also takes the fact that nothing has been done – in the review there is talk of a culture of silence within AIK – seriously.

— This is not my AIK. I want us to be associated with sporting achievements, player development and a good workplace.
