Aida was tackled by M politicians – right out in the street: “Shocked”

Aida Dizdarevic has reported a moderate municipal politician for pushing her off an electric scooter. He, in turn, reported her. Now she tells TV4 Nyheterna about the traumatic event.
– The thoughts just go in all directions and edges. Should I walk around being afraid of strangers now? she says.

It was on Monday morning that Aida Dizdarevic was on her way to Triangeln in Malmö. She rode the electric scooter on the sidewalk, even though she knows it’s not allowed, she didn’t see any other option.

– I drive so slowly that you can walk beside me, she says.

Aida Dizdarevic tells how she sees the man, the municipal M politician, walking towards her. She tells him that she drives as close to the road as possible out of consideration for him. According to her, there is plenty of room for both.

– I see slowly but surely how he starts to get closer to me with every step he takes. Then when we meet, he takes his whole body and pushes me out towards the road. I fly maybe two meters out onto the road.

“All life passed by”

Lying on the ground, she has time to perceive how a car has to swerve into the other lane in order not to run into her.

– When I was lying there, my whole life passed by. I stand up and I yell at him. He is maybe 20 meters away. He doesn’t stop, nothing.

She calls 112 and he starts running. She follows on the scooter and watches him disappear into the town hall. Several witnesses saw what happened.

– It really was a wake-up call. One second, my daughter wouldn’t have had her mother. What had happened to her?

The politician reported for crime

After the accident, Aida injured her wrist, but it is the psychological part that is the worst. She tells how she collapses when the police arrive.

– The thoughts just go in all directions and edges. Should I walk around being afraid of strangers now?

The politician is reported for assault and gross negligence in traffic. Aida Dizdarevic is in turn reported for causing bodily harm and molestation.

TV4 Nyheterna has searched for the moderate politician. The party’s press secretary Aron Regnell responds as follows in an email: “Our elected representatives have taken a time-out, which all elected representatives have signed to do in accordance with the Moderates’ candidate declaration in the event that you are in a legal process. Now it will have its way to clarify what happened”.
