Aid Decree, the testing ground for the government in the Senate

Competition bill green light in the Senate

(Finance) – The new test bench is expected for Thursday in the Aula al Senate for the Government with the vote on Aid decree after the ok to trust in Montecitorio where today the final vote on the provision is expected (in the Chamber the vote on the trust is separate from that on the provision). At the moment it is not excluded that the 5 Star Movement from the Chamber, a gesture that would have no consequences on the outcome of the vote but could not fail to have an echo from the political one.

The PD it is already at work to avoid tearing. The Dems lend a hand to the pentastellati who – handed the document with their nine priorities to the Prime Minister Mario Dragons – they have one foot in and one out of the executive. The message is to stop politicisms and work on issues “giving answers on wages and welfare”, central topics also in the document presented by Joseph With you at Palazzo Chigi.

Meanwhile, Draghi is preparing the expected meeting with the labor unions on Tuesday, where we could talk about the renewal of contracts, cut the tax wedge and also the proposal that Minister Andrea Orlando is working on on minimum wages, to combat poor work. Issues and appointments already planned for some time, but which could also offer an important side to Conte. Although the hard line is prevalent, in fact, not all 5 stars would be ready to say goodbye.

Another hot front for the Government are the parliamentary initiative proposals on cannabis And ius scholae. In support of the measure there are the Democratic Party and the Movement, strongly opposed to the Lega and FI, which announce battle. “We are blocking the debate with cannabis and ius scholae,” he said Antonio Tajani. “From tomorrow on we will vote only and only what Italy and the Italians need, we leave the rest to the Pd and M5S”, he attacked Matteo Salvini.
