Today there are too many osteopaths on the job market, too many artists, too many graphic designers. On the other hand, there is a lack of arms in the sports professions, of the hotel industry, Food… If unemployment under 25 has increased by more than 7% in 2024, the slowdown in the economy is not the only cause. You also have to see as a sign of real inadequacy between business needs and young people’s orientation choices. Please note: as always, the nuance is essential. No doubt, trainers sometimes find it difficult to adapt to rapid labor market developments. But companies must also take their share on the effort by providing support worthy of the name of the young people they welcome. As it is true that some skills are only learned on the ground.
Is it possible to better coincide the requested positions and the training offered by National Education and the grandes écoles? And, if so, how? What place to give to continuing education throughout the career? In this case, L’Express interviewed Eric Lechelard, Director of Human Resources of Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise International to evoke these subjects and in particular that crucial of the AI.
Eric Lechelard, HRCA d’Alcatel-Lucent
/ © Ale
L’Express: Does knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI) represent a prerequisite to integrate a business like Alcatel?
Eric Lechelard Mastering artificial intelligence does not fall under – yet – of an imperative obligation. This tool, including in its generative version, is not yet used in all the services of the company. On the other hand, some of our departments such as those of research and development and production have used it daily, sometimes for several years. The young graduates that we hire, in particular the engineers, were almost all confronted with AI during their initial training. It is a natural tool. Be that as it may, the subject is discussed during each of the recruitment interviews, if only to gauge the degree of maturity of our future employees on these questions.
The professions of lawyer or financial manager will not disappear anytime soon but these professionals will have to use the AI more and more. That said, we are not just looking for IA experts. Skills in project management, communication, marketing and sales remain strategic for the company. On the other hand, we expect a digital marketing specialist to know how to take advantage of AI tools to optimize its campaigns.
In other words, mastering AI represents an “plus” without constituting a sine qua non condition to join you?
Exactly. Above all, we are looking for candidates having a real ability to adapt, an open -mindedness and a desire to learn. AI skills can be acquired over time, through internal training or online course. For our already in office employees, the skills rise on AI can represent, however, an opportunity for professional development. We are therefore investing more and more in the continuing education of our teams, especially on the AI, in order to prepare them for the technological challenges of tomorrow. For companies that are positioned at the forefront of technological innovation like ours, AI control will quickly become a differentiating recruitment criterion.
Is corporate social responsibility (CSR) also a necessary condition for integrating a business like yours?
Our group has positioned itself for several years on these societal subjects. We are signatories, for example, of Compact globalcreated in 2000 by the United Nations, which aims to involve companies in compliance with 10 principles in order to build a more sustainable society such as the environment, the fight against discrimination and corruption or the abolition of child labor. This program represents a daily compass for our business strategy. We systematically talk about it to our candidates. They themselves, moreover, approach the subject systematically and challenge us on the problems of disability, minorities, inclusion, diversity. These questions were not part of the job interviews five or six years ago. They testify to the degree of commitment of our employees on these subjects.