AI also worries politicians

AI also worries politicians

Do artificial intelligence and politics go hand in hand? AI is already there with Chat GPT in particular and some want to regulate it. Others use it on the contrary to sell their program. Analysis of these dangerous links.

Reconquest, the party of Eric Zemmour launched Chat Z, in reference to Chat GPT, this famous automated conversation tool. You ask a question, artificial intelligence answers you. Why not, except Chat Z doesn’t like all the questions. If you ask him, for example, why Eric Zemmour lost in the 2022 presidential election, you will be disappointed: The Reclaim program does not plan to directly answer this question as we are focused on the future », replies the Zemmourist AI. Chat Z is therefore not transparent or impartial, and may even be in denial.

A question to the government written by Chat GPT

This is not the first time that AI has been used in France in politics. You may have seen the photos of Emmanuel Macron picking up trash cans during the garbage collectors’ strike in Paris. It was obviously montages made thanks to Midjourney, an artificial intelligence photo application. There were other diversions, with the Pope in particular. A French deputy also had fun showing the perverse effects of AI. On April 4, socialist Hervé Saulignac decided to ask a fully written question with Chat GPT. The questioned minister did not realize anything when he was actually being questioned by a robot. A few weeks earlier, an amendment entirely drafted by the AI ​​had been tabled. Again, the goal was to warn about the dangers of this technology.


The French government has not yet really responded to these concerns. The Minister Delegate for Digital Affairs chooses moderation. Jean-Noël Barrot seized the national digital ethics committee. It remains to wait for his answer, expected in several months. Olivier Véran, the government spokesman, is more worried. He urges the deputies of his camp to take up the subject and talks about it as soon as he can in the media. But the question of AI will undoubtedly arise during the next presidential election. The tools to create deep fakes are even more efficient and increasingly accessible. Imagine the impact of a fake video of Emmanuel Macron or a doctored photo of a candidate in the middle of the campaign… It would be devastating.

An AI soon to be a deputy in Denmark?

A collective of Danish artists has launched a political party led by an artificial intelligence: the Synthetic Party. Their objective is to attract abstainers and better pass on the expectations of the population. They hope to secure a seat in the Danish Parliament in the 2023 parliamentary elections.
