AI about Elon Musk: “Shares claims without evidence”

AI about Elon Musk Shares claims without evidence

Grok is a chatbot that Tesla CEO Elon Musk launched in November 2023. The chatbot is developed by Xai and is designed to understand and generate human language, focusing on reasoning and problem solving.

Grok also has a direct connection to the platform X, and can retrieve information from public posts and metadata to provide more relevant answers.

When Aftonbladet asks the question: “Who spreads the most disinformation on the Internet? Answer only with one name”, answers Grok “Elon Musk”.

When News24 Asking the same question we get the same answer, and when we ask the AI ​​to develop, it answers like this:

“Elon Musk has a huge platform with millions of followers on X, where he often shares controversial opinions and statements without clear evidence.”

According to the social media expert Emma Blom This is about enough people to refer to Elon Musk as one of the biggest disinformers.

-It must be that the data analyzed by the AI ​​system refers to this, says Emma Blom to Aftonbladet.
