Ahmadreza Djalali is on hunger strike in prison in Iran

Ahmadreza Djalali is on hunger strike in prison in Iran

Updated 20.52 | Published 20.37




full screenAhmadreza Djalali has been imprisoned in Iran since 2018. Photo: Private

The sentenced to death KI researcher Ahmadreza Djalali was not part of Sweden’s prisoner exchange with Iran.

Now he will go on hunger strike in prison.

“A hunger strike in protest against the Swedish government’s decision to leave him behind,” writes wife Vida Mehrannia to Aftonbladet.

“Ahmadreza now feels that he has no other choice but to go on hunger strike. He has already suffered almost 3,000 days of unimaginable torment in Iran’s dungeons and is in extremely poor health,” she writes to Aftonbladet.

The KI researcher Ahmadreza Djalali, sentenced to death, was arrested in Iran in 2016.

In October 2017, he was sentenced to death on suspicion of spying for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) writes to Aftonbladet that he refers to his earlier comment.

Aftonbladet has applied for Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.
