Ahmad, 17, was shot by a sniper in the West Bank

The children were ready with their school bags and playing on the roof of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank.
Then the sound of gunfire was heard, while the smell of tear gas spread.
Big brother Ahmad, 17, ran up to look at his siblings – but was then shot by a sniper from an adjacent house.
– I am grateful that only one of my children is gone, says Ahmad’s father Ghalig.

The war between Israel and Hamas has also led to major tensions in the West Bank. More than 100 Palestinians have died there since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, according to Palestinian data.

Including 17-year-old Ahmad, whose family tried to take him to hospital after he was hit by bullets on the roof.

The Israeli soldiers initially forbade them from going outside.

In the end, the family managed to carry Ahmad out to a car, but they were stopped along the way by Israeli soldiers and before he arrived at the emergency room, he had bled to death.

– Everyone knew him as the handsome guy. He was one of the good boys, says Ribhi Mutair, Ahmad’s grandfather.

“How should I feel compared to the families in Gaza?”

Ahmad’s father Ghalig believes that the grief now affects all of Palestine, that no one is protected. In the midst of grief for his son, he feels shame – in front of the families in Gaza that were completely erased.

– In Gaza, entire families have disappeared. So what should I feel, compared to their suffering, he asks himself.

The aunt: “I still have blood on my hands”

TV4 News has tried to get a comment from the Israeli military about the family’s allegations that Ahmad was shot by a sniper. But so far without results.

The family themselves do not think they will get any answers after Ahmad’s death.

But the memories of that horrible morning linger.

– I have washed my hands several times. I have prayed five times and washed my hands each time. But I still have blood on my hands, says Ahmad’s aunt Huda.
