Agroalimentare, Giansanti: “Cost of animal feed has doubled”

Agroalimentare Giansanti Cost of animal feed has doubled

(Finance) – To feed the animals in a barn it is now twice as expensive as a year ago, due to rising energy and feed costs. This increase, having repercussions on the final price of the products, will also affect consumer spending. He remembered it Massimiliano Giansantipresident of Confagricolturaspeaking at an event during the Rimini Meeting.

“What we paid less than 30 euros last year to feed our animals, this year we are paying more than 60 euros per quintal”, said Giansanti, adding that “the sum of the costs we had in the last still today companies have not been able to pass it on entirely on the price “.

The farmers they say they are worried for the impact that the increase in costs will have on consumption. “Today there are 13% of consumers who in light of the increase in costs still do not know how to do it. – observed the President of Confagricoltura – A third of those who remain realize that obviously they will have to spend more. it is another third who will decrease the quantities. And paradoxically there is 25% of consumers who, day after day, will decide how to orient themselves on consumption “.

For Confagricoltura it is therefore urgent reflection with all the actors involved. “The next government will have to focus on a policy capable of giving stability to the sector agri-food “, Giansanti affirmed, indicating that it is necessary”consider the whole supply chain as if it were energy-intensive and therefore give a reduction in tariffs to the whole agro-industrial system “.

Speaking of the rising cost of energy and inflation, Giansanti admitted that there is a risk of “a dangerous autumn” with prices that will continue to rise. “Already today the food expenditure of Italian families has increased from 2,300 to 3,200 euros and here there is a theme of equity because there are those who can afford it and those who cannot”, she concluded.
