agreement reached for a coalition government, future Prime Minister still unknown

agreement reached for a coalition government future Prime Minister still

Almost six months after the electoral victory of far-right politician Geert Wilders, the Netherlands will finally have a government. A coalition agreement between right-wing and far-right parties has been announced even if the name of the future Prime Minister still remains unclear. The content of the agreement already includes the outlines of a strict anti-immigration policy.

4 mins

An agreement was reached for a right-wing coalition government in The Netherlands almost six months after the electoral victory of Geert Wilders, who will not be Prime Minister, the far-right leader announced on Wednesday, May 15. “ We have an agreement between the negotiators said Mr. Wilders, who gave up the post in March, with some pointing to unease that the Islamophobic, anti-EU politician could cause as representative of the Netherlands.

Four parties

The agreement was reached between four parties, Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV), the pro-farmer BBB party, the liberal VVD party and the new anti-corruption party NSC. It was not yet clear who would be the prime minister who would lead the right-wing coalition government and replace Mark Rutte, candidate for NATO secretary general.

The issue was discussed on Wednesday, but has not yet been decided, according to Mr. Wilders. This discussion will be continued “ later “, he added. The name of former Education and Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk, who also played a key role in overseeing the early negotiations, is the one that is circulating the most. The parties must now discuss the agreement with their groups of deputies for final approval.

In March, the four parties agreed to opt for a partially technocratic government made up of 50% politicians and 50% people outside politics. The last time the Netherlands had a government this ” expert » dates back to 1918.

Don’t forget: I will one day become Prime Minister of the Netherlands

After marathon discussions on Tuesday, Mr Wilders said it would be a “ historic day » if his party participated for the first time in a Dutch government. Mr. Wilders, sometimes nicknamed the “ Dutch Trump “, has softened some of its political positions with a view to forming a government, but its electoral program still calls for a ban on the Koran and mosques.

Read alsoNetherlands: Geert Wilders announces that he will not be Prime Minister

After winning a surprise election victory, Mr Wilders was set to become the country’s first prime minister, but at least one of his coalition partners threatened to torpedo a deal if he did so. “ Remember: I will one day become Prime Minister of the Netherlands. With the support of even more Dutch people said Mr. Wilders after stepping down. “ If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. Because the voices of millions of Dutch people will be heard ! »

Talks to form a coalition have been difficult and have not been helped by barbs from all sides on social media. In February, the leader of the NSC, Pieter Omtzigt, abruptly withdrew from the negotiations, officially due to disagreements over public finances, but his concerns about certain political positions of Mr. Wilders had not escaped anyone.

Anti-immigration positions already displayed

The 26-page agreement ensures that “ concrete measures will be taken to move towards the strictest rules ever adopted on asylum, and the broadest package of measures ever taken to control migration “. The signatories also write that they will transmit “ as soon as possible » to the European Commission a request to be able to derogate (“opt-out”) from the European asylum policy. People without a valid residence permit will be expelled. by force if necessary “, adds the 26-page agreement, entitled ” hope, courage and pride “.

In terms of foreign policy, the signatories undertake that the Netherlands will be a “ constructive partner » within the European Union, and support Ukraine « politically, militarily, financially and morally “. The text also calls for examining the idea of ​​transferring the Dutch embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as desired by the Israeli authorities who have made it their capital, a subject made even more sensitive by the ongoing conflict in the Strip. Gaza.
