Agreement found between medical analysis laboratories and Health Insurance

Agreement found between medical analysis laboratories and Health Insurance

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    It’s the end of a long disagreement, which lasted three months, punctuated by several strikes. This Tuesday, January 10, private medical analysis laboratories and Health Insurance signed an agreement providing for savings for 2023.

    After three months of exchanges, discussions, demands and strikes, private medical analysis laboratories and Health Insurance have just signed an agreement, this Tuesday, January 10, which provides for savings in 2023.

    A drop of 250 million euros expected

    The agreement in question therefore provides for a reduction of 250 million euros spread over all medical biology examinations and a new negotiation for the period 2024-2026, which must be concluded before 1er next September.

    Recall that the disagreements that existed between the two parties concerned the savings demanded since September by the government, which pointed to the significant profits of the laboratories (in particular during the Covid epidemic), and the unions which refused a lasting puncture.

    End of the strike movement this Wednesday

    In a press release, the Health Insurance is therefore delighted with this “agreement signed with all the representatives of biologists”. According to Social Security,this framework must make it possible to pursue various objectives: maintain high levels of support for current biology, including in the service of prevention policies, continue to cover tests related to Covid-19, ensure the dissemination of innovation and participate in the regulation of health insurance expenditure“.

    For their part, the four unions representing medical biology – BioMed, SDBio, SLBC and SNMB – announce that they are “finally reached an agreement on the year 2023 with the authorities” and therefore decide to “suspend their strike action until further notice“. The strike movement with the closure of laboratories and the blocking of Covid test results must therefore end this Wednesday at midnight.
