(Finance) – “The reopening of the terms of Biennial preventive agreement as of December 12th it is not producing the desired results. We will not reach the amounts set by the government. It would have been better to foresee the reopening of the deadlines for everyone and not just for those who had submitted the declaration by October 31st”. The President of the National Association of Accountants said this, Mark Cuchelduring the conference “Future Objective 2024” taking place in Pisa.
“In the month of September the Mef has issued the municipalities the software for the introduction of new ones rates And concessions to harmonize the jungle of IMU deductions. This also required the municipalities to approve the relevant approval resolutions by October 15th but not all of them managed to do so. This would cause damage to the taxpayers – he added – because these municipalities will have to apply the ordinary rate. We ask for government intervention to postpone the deadlines to avoid disparities to the detriment of citizens.”
“There budget law 2025 it has some certainly positive notes such as the maintenance of the tax wedge cut, bringing it into full swing and the reduction of Irpef rates. There is talk of reducing the rate of the second bracket and this would create some additional savings. Unfortunately there aren’t many resources and no major interventions are expected to relaunch the country’s economy. There will be less money left in citizens’ pockets to spend on consumption. We expect more incisive measures for the economic recovery”, commented the number one of the ANC.
“Sending over 700 thousand pec by the Revenue Agency to taxpayers, claiming that their income is lower than that of their employees in the same sector, is added to the over two million certified e-mails sent days ago to request adherence to the biennial Composition with Creditors. We believe that these pecs are inappropriateconsidered by taxpayers almost as threats. There are various reasons why a taxpayer, an entrepreneur, a professional may have lower incomes than their own employee in the sector. There is a lot of precariousness in the world of VAT numbers, especially the small ones. Many workers are forced to reinvent themselves with self-employment due to lack of employment due to the employment crisis”, concluded Cuchel.