Agnes Serrate Åstrand exposed to fraud via Playstation

When Agnes Serrate Åstrand, 22, was sitting through a boring lecture, the fraudsters struck.
They got into her Playstation account – and stole SEK 10,000.
– You just get tired, she tells TV4 Nyheterna.

In mid-October, 22-year-old Agnes Serrate Åstrand from Växjö sat in one of the teacher training lectures.

– It was lucky that it was a boring lecture because I sat scrolling on my mobile, she says.

When she discovered that she had received ten emails from the gaming company Playstation, the alarm bells started ringing.

– It said “thank you for your purchase”. When I went into my bank, I saw that SEK 10,000 had been withdrawn, she tells TV4 Nyheterna.

Bought Call of Duty and GTA

Agnes Serrate Åstrand quickly realized that he had been exposed to a fraud, something like Smålandsposten was the first to report.

– You panic. The first thing I did was block my cards, she says.

After investigating the matter more closely, Agnes Serrate Åstrand found that the fraudster or fraudsters managed to access her profile on the game console. Email and contact details could easily be changed, while bank details could be used to buy games.

– They had bought games like Call of Duty and GTA, she says.

“Thinking of the elderly who experience this”

Agnes Serrate Åstrand contacted the gaming company and managed to prove that it was not her who bought the games. She got the 10,000 kroner back.

– You think that this is not something that should happen to you alone. Now it did, and I have become more vigilant, she says.

She also says that she is annoyed with people who engage in deceiving others.

– You just get tired. It’s so horrible. I mostly think about the elderly who happen to this and that there are people who take advantage of the weak. I felt it was lucky that it was “only” SEK 10,000, says Agnes Serrate Åstrand.
