Aged 54, she explains having reversed her menopause. Is it possible ? The response from our gynecologist

Aged 54 she explains having reversed her menopause Is it

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    The 54-year-old American actress, Trina McGee, announces that she is pregnant. She is expecting her fourth child and to explain this late pregnancy, she indicates that she has managed to “reverse her menopause”. Is it possible ? Doctissimo interviewed Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist, to find out.

    Known for her portrayal of Angela Moore in Incorrigible Cory, Trina McGee is the mother of three children, ages 31, 29 and 25. Aged 54 herself, she announced in an Instagram post that she was pregnant. “At the tender age of 54, I am pregnant. Thank you for blessing us with your prayer for a childbirth safely” she writes. This would have happened because she would have managed to “reverse her menopause”, according to her.

    A healthy lifestyle, no stress and “shaman” plants

    The artist is in a relationship with her third husband and explains that she has always hoped for a child from him. “I said I wanted to have a baby with my husband of 16 years for a while.” she confides. She tried the natural way for a long time, before considering using in vitro fertilization.

    Finally, she details her more holistic way of doing things. “The first thing for me is to not participate in stress and stay away from negativity as much as possible” she emphasizes. She has also opted for a healthy lifestyle and “shamans” from the Garifuna people, in Belize, a country with which her husband has “cultural ties”, have recommended certain plants to her, without hesitation. she specifies which ones.

    Is it possible to reverse menopause?

    Asked about this late pregnancy, Odile Bagot, gynecologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee, refutes the possibility of reversing menopause. “Menopause is defined as the absence of periods for one year in women. she explains. “We are either menopausal or we are not, so it is not possible to reverse the process, strictly speaking..

    On the other hand, specifies the specialist, “during the menopausal transition, this period which lasts between three and seven years in women and during which change sets in, it is still possible to become pregnant, but this is exceptional”.

    Rare pregnancies are possible after age 50

    “But we should not worry all the women in this period of life, who have abandoned a contraception or who don’t know if they are having their period, because of a pill or IUDbecause it is very rare” immediately reassures Odile Bagot.

    There is also a very simple test to carry out to find out if it is possible to stop contraception at this time of life or if it is necessary to continue to protect yourself from a possible pregnancy. “To do this, simply order a blood test for the patient to measure FSH, the follicle-stimulating hormone. If the result is above 25, this means that the woman is no longer fertile and she can stop taking contraception or change her IUD.” explains our expert.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    A healthy lifestyle can help you get pregnant

    Finally, what about the healthy lifestyle and plants that could have helped Trina McGill conceive this child? For Dr. Bagot, “having a healthy diet and low stress are two factors that favor the conception of a child”. On the other hand, “no plant has the power to make a woman pregnant, from a medical and scientific point of view” she concludes.
