against the United States, China counterattacks – L’Express

against the United States China counterattacks – LExpress

The response was expected. Chinese authorities announced sanctions against 12 American companies on Wednesday, May 22, in response to Washington’s “economic coercion” targeting Chinese companies and the sale of arms to Taiwan. Among these companies are Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, while ten senior executives are also targeted.

“For some time, the United States […] “indiscriminately impose illegal and unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies allegedly linked to Russia”, underlines the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release. Denouncing “unilateral intimidation and economic coercion seriously harming the rights and legitimate and legal interests of Chinese companies, institutions and individuals”, the ministry announces “countermeasures”. It also cites as a reason the fact that “meanwhile, the United States continues to sell arms to Taiwan”, of which Beijing claims sovereignty.

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These sales “seriously violate the principle of one China […] and constitute serious interference in China’s internal affairs, strongly affecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the ministry criticizes.

Weapons in Taiwan

If Washington has recognized Beijing to the detriment of Taipei since 1979, the American Congress has at the same time imposed the provision of weapons to Taiwan, with the stated aim of dissuading China from any expansionist desire.

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On Monday, China had already unveiled sanctions against three American companies selling arms to Taiwan, the same day that Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te was inaugurated. The companies General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems and Boeing Defense, Space & Security had thus been placed on the Chinese government’s list of “unreliable entities”, which prohibits them from “any import-export activity linked to the China”.
