against Bourdin, a delicate sequence

against Bourdin a delicate sequence

PECRESS. Guest of Jean-Jacques Bourdin for the political program of BFMTV, Valérie Pécresse spoke after accusations of attempted sexual assault against the presenter.

The essential

  • Valérie Pécresse inaugurated the political program of BFMTV, France in the eyes, this January 18. The program began with an introductory speech by the candidate of the Republicans about the investigation which concerns Jean-Jacques Bourdin, the host of the program. “I clearly asked myself the question of my participation in this program this evening following the opening of an investigation, by the courts, following a complaint filed against Mr. Bourdin”, she said. indicated, then mentioning having come out of respect for the French. She reaffirmed her commitment to the fight against sexual harassment and violence against women. “The law of silence is over” before concluding that “President, (she) will not let any woman be afraid to file a complaint.”
  • Host Jean-Jacques Bourdin is the subject of an investigation opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office after being accused of attempted sexual assault. In the name of the presumption of innocence, the chain maintained the presence of Jean-Jacques Bourdin at the controls of the program. During his broadcast on Tuesday, he did not wish to comment on the investigation of which he is the subject but he denied the facts with which he is accused.
  • During the program, the right-wing candidate answers questions from an assembly of 80 French people about her program and her political project. It is also to honor her commitment to the French that Valérie Pécresse did not cancel her visit.

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9:48 p.m. – The sequence of Valérie Pécresse’s speech on the Bourdin affair posted on her Twitter account

Video. While Valérie Pécresse is the guest of Jean-Jacques Bourdin on BFMTV this Tuesday, the presidential candidate of the Republicans wanted to start the show with a speech on the investigation for sexual assault opened against Jean -Jacques Bourdin, the presenter of the show. Recalling her fight against sexual harassment and violence against women, Valérie Pécresse posted the sequence of the show on her Twitter account.

21:07 – Valérie Pécresse speaks about the investigation opened against Jean-Jacques Bourdin

Guest of the political program “France in the eyes” on BFMTV, this Tuesday, the Republican candidate for the presidential election, Valérie Pécresse, spoke at the start of the program about the investigation which concerns Jean-Jacques Bourdin, the host of the show. “I clearly asked myself the question of my participation in this program this evening following the opening of an investigation, by justice, following a complaint filed against Mr. Bourdin”, she said. indicated, before adding that she had come out of respect for the French. She reaffirmed her commitment to the fight against sexual harassment and violence against women. “The law of silence is over” before concluding that “President, (she) will not let any woman be afraid to file a complaint.”

6:18 p.m. – An evening full of challenges for the right-wing candidate

In the race for the Elysée, Valérie Pécresse rather occupies a place of challenger as confirmed by the Elabe poll for BFMTV published this Tuesday, January 18 and in which only 14% of respondents see the candidate winning, against 48% for Emmanuel Macron . Known on the right, especially in the Ile-de-France political sphere, Valérie Pécresse must be appreciated by the French after having tickled their curiosity. The challenge for the right-wing candidate this evening is to stand out, to put forward proposals that speak to the French and meet their daily needs, all with the aim of convincing voters more broadly. If the candidate really thinks she is the only one who can beat the outgoing president, she must prove that she can do better than him.

17:33 – What could Valérie Pécresse say in introduction to the show?

The candidate has explained on several occasions that the fight against violence against women is one of her priorities. So how to react to the journalist accused of sexual assault? Valérie Pécresse cannot ignore the presumption of innocence and consider Jean-Jacques Bourdin guilty without the court having decided. The candidate should therefore not attack the journalist in her remarks. However, it could be firm, condemn more generally all forms of violence likely to be perpetrated against women and lend its support or give credence to the testimonies of women who are alleged victims of sexual assault.

16:17 – An anti-abortion woman at the head of the European Parliament, the reaction of Valérie Pécresse

Maltese politician Roberta Metsola was appointed President of the European Parliament on January 18, a decision disputed by some because of the parliamentarian’s anti-abortion position. Valérie Pécresse preferred to congratulate the appointment of a woman to this position, only the third since the accession of Simone Vieil to the head of the European Parliament, without commenting on the anti-abortion thought of Roberta Metsola. “I will work hand in hand with her for a democratic Europe taking into account the aspirations of nations and citizens,” continued the right-wing presidential candidate in a tweet. The message has already sparked strong reactions from Internet users.


Learn more

On the occasion of several rallies and meetings with her political party Soyons Libres, Valérie Pécresse lets her wish to occupy the highest office of the Elysée. On July 21, 2021, Valérie Pécresse declares her desire to participate in the presidential elections of 2022. According to her own words, she wants to “put the country back in order” and “restore French pride” through a reform of the political system. Valérie Pécresse is notably supported by Manuel Valls and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.

Valérie Pécresse has not yet revealed her program in detail. However, her position as president of the Île-de-France regional council highlights major areas to be exploited. This applies to the massive investment of public funds in the health sector, as well as in the training and integration of young people. It also envisages justice reforms, responsible economic management, as well as a progressive ecological transition in the city as well as in the countryside.

Valérie Pécresse participates in the primary of the right. The candidate of Soyons Libres is willing to participate in this event, achieving at the same time a reconciliation with her former political party. This choice contrasts with Xavier Bertrand’s decision not to take part. Like Valérie Pécresse, the president of the Hauts-de-France regional council is also a candidate for the presidential elections of 2022.

If before obtaining the LR nomination, Valérie Pécresse oscillated between 8 and 11% in the polls on the first round of the presidential election, her status as a candidate for the right made her change dimension. Immediately given neck and neck with Marine Le Pen, she would even be able to climb to the second round with 20% of the vote and could beat Emmanuel Macron, even if the match looks very tight.

The political career of Valérie Pécresse experienced a turning point on December 18, 2015 when she was elected president of the regional council of Île-de-France. She succeeds Jean-Paul Huchon and sees her notoriety grow. In 2018, she also became president of Grand Paris Aménagement. Among the notable projects she has supported, we can mention the development of the Ile-de-France RER Vélo in 2020. On July 2, 2021, she won a new mandate for the same functions.

Valérie Pécresse was born on July 14, 1967, in Neuilly-sur-Seine. From the start of her career, she held positions of responsibility. Adviser to Jacques Chirac, Master of Requests for the Council of State… Following her victory in the 2002 legislative elections, she is also a Member of Parliament. Before becoming president of the regional council of Île-de-France, she held the position of Minister of Higher Education and Research. She founded her own party, Let’s Be Free, in 2017.
