Aftonbladet reveals: Kinberg Batra is forced to resign

Updated 15.17 | Published 15.12



Anna Kinberg Batra is forced to resign as governor of Stockholm

In a press release, the government writes that they no longer have confidence in her.

Anna Kinberg Batra is forced to resign as governor of Stockholm. The government announced the decision.

– The message to Anna Kinberg Batra is given against the background of the serious criticism directed at her by the Ombudsman. The government believes that trust in the authority cannot be restored unless the county administrative board gets a new head, says Civil Affairs Minister Erik Slottner.

Yesterday, the Ombudsman announced his serious criticism of Kinberg Batra. JO’s verdict is that Kinberg Batra’s actions “testify to nonchalance and a lack of respect for the basic regulations that exist to maintain public trust in public activities.”

JO’s review was initiated after Aftonbladet’s revelation that Kinberg Batra hired friends to top positions at the county board without first announcing the positions normally.
