Aftonbladet helps you rhyme the Christmas presents – Christmas rhymes on emergency

Aftonbladet helps you rhyme the Christmas presents Christmas rhymes

Updated 20.14 | Published 20.02

full screen Photo: Kallestad Gorm / TT

Soon the claps of the year will be handed out, with rhymes for each absolute.

Don’t have a good idea? Enter and we’ll see.

Merry Christmas, dear reader and friend – Aftonbladet’s rhyme house is here again.

  • What’s your problem, why don’t you ever answer when I talk?

    If my voice isn’t loud, why do you think I’m nagging?

    I love you but stop pretending my voice is shrill

    Now you’re going to get something kosher that won’t give you a scolding

  • Rhyme

    Hello! I’m giving away a reflective jacket, can you rhyme that? 🙂 Thanks!!!


    You always want to be seen, dazzle the rest of us!

    But you know what, I just want you not to die when you go out hiking,

    I love you, even when you glow yellow

    nothing about you can ever be ugly

  • Need a rhyme for a clock! 😀

    birgitta s

    Now there is no more excuse

    Talk about “had no idea”

    Strap on your wrist so cool

    End of rock n roll lifestyle

  • You have packages that look like a child wrapped them

    But do you know what can improve them? an unbeatable rhyme!

    Chat with us who know this with words and alphabets

    This is how you can make diamonds out of pure dough


  • afbl-general-01