Afterwards you will see Wolverine with different eyes

In a new video, Marco from Nerdkultur talks about actor Hugh Jackman in his great role as Wolverine. MeinMMO tells you how he got there and what his journey with the DC hero looked like.

Who is Marco Risch? Marco Risch has been uploading videos with news, reviews, analyzes and interviews about current films, series and video games to his YouTube channel Nerdkultur since 2015.

In his podcast Nerd & Culture every Sunday he chats with his colleague Yves Arievich about topics like Star Wars, Marvel and DC. Both belong to the Webedia network, of which MeinMMO is also a part.

In a new video, Marco talks about Hugh Jackman in his star role as Wolverine and the actor’s personal journey:

Afterwards you will see Wolverine with different eyes

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How did Hugh Jackman actually become Wolverine? Marco provides answers to this question in his video, among other things. Hugh Jackman actually wasn’t the first choice for Wolverine, even though it’s hard to imagine any other actor in the role today.

After his first audition, Jackman himself was actually convinced that he wouldn’t see his DC colleagues again. In the video you will find out why he later cast the role and why we have actor Tom Cruise to thank for that.

Hardly any time to get used to the new role

Hugh Jackman was then cast in the role so spontaneously that the actor was still in his self-discovery phase for the role during filming. One reason why he always feared being fired. It’s lucky for the films and fans that this didn’t happen, because X-Men became a huge success – thanks in part to Jackman.

In the video, Marco then talks about Jackman’s personal journey in the DC Universe. How the actor can still embody the role of Wolverine so well at the age of 55, who his role models are for the mutant’s fighting style or how Wolverine went from a “small supporting character from the original to a larger-than-life figurehead of several generations of X-Men”. . Marco talks about another actor who played his role perfectly here: Afterwards you’ll see The Silence of the Lambs with different eyes
