After two days, the snake in Nykvarn is still on the loose

Last Thursday, Nykvarn municipality received a call from a woman who had seen a snake in Folkets park.
Now two days later, the snake is still on the loose and the residents are planning a snake hunt.
– She told me that it was three metres, as thick as a man’s arm and green and black, says Carina Braun from Nykvarn municipality.

It was last Thursday that the municipality of Nykvarn was contacted by a woman who said she had seen a snake in Folkets park, something that LT was the first to report on.

– She told me that it was three meters long, as thick as a man’s arm and green and black. Of course we have to react to it then, says Carina Braun, who is acting municipal director.

After that, the search for the snake began and the municipality went to the wet mosquito thicket where it would have been seen.

– Our security coordinator went and had a look and contacted the preschools nearby. There was also an open leisure center that we contacted, says Carina Braun.

“Wanted! Who has lost a snake?”

The municipality also contacted the police and the county administrative board.

– There we were advised that we must first contact the police’s lost property to check that no one had reported that they had lost a snake. Then they asked us to go out via Facebook and ask if anyone got rid of a snake.

All said and done, the municipality went out on Facebook and on its website with the text: “Wanted! Who has lost a snake?”

But Carina Braun was initially a bit torn about whether the municipality should really issue the warning on social media.

– I’m a bit afraid of snakes, so I don’t like snakes that much. Going out on Facebook is one way to worry people, but if someone released or got rid of a bigger snake, it’s worse if we don’t act.

Contacted by professional snake catcher

And the Facebook post has sparked reactions.

– From what I’ve heard, several people are going to go snake hunting. I have also been contacted by a professional snake catcher who offered his services, says Carina Braun.

Now two days have passed since the snake was seen and no potential owner has stepped forward.

– We’ll see what happens later. It would be good if others could come up with the same observations.

And the experience is, to say the least, memorable for the municipal employees.

– I have worked for 25 years with municipal issues, but have never encountered this, says Carina Braun.
