after two confusing days, Ibrahim Traoré appears on the television news

junta leader Ibrahim Traore announces intensifying war against terrorism

In Burkina Faso, the situation remains confused since Wednesday. That day, explosions rang out in the public television courtyard located opposite the presidency. And while the whereabouts of President and Captain Ibrahim Traoré are still unknown, he appeared this Friday, June 14, in the RTB television news, donating blood on the occasion of the designated world day. At the same time, the Burkinabè army appears to be preparing a large-scale military operation in the Sahel region, following a terrorist attack which reportedly left many soldiers dead.

2 mins

It was at the opening of the 1 p.m. news that the captain Ibrahim Traore appeared this Friday, June 14: “ The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré donated blood this Friday morning at Koulouba Palace. With the rainy season setting in and the period of malaria, the head of state seized the opportunity. » In the images, we actually see the head of state in great shape, surrounded by red berets, with nurses leaning on his arm to take his blood.

The question you have to ask yourself is: “Wouldn’t you be proud to know that your blood is going to save a life?” This is what should lead every Burkinabè to be able to donate blood. We must do everything to be able to donate blood to save children and pregnant women who are currently the most vulnerable. I invite all Burkinabes to be able to donate blood to save lives “, declared Captain Traoré.

No further mention of Wednesday’s events

The report stops at the end of this statement from the captain and moves directly to a completely different subject without ever mentioning the explosions which took place at the RTB two days earlier nor the chief of general staff of the armed forces who ordered the soldiers to prepare for a possible attack. No more information either on the commune of Mansila on the Nigerien border where the Jnim jihadists settled this week and where more than a hundred soldiers are still missing.
