after too weak a vote of confidence, Mario Draghi should leave power

after too weak a vote of confidence Mario Draghi should

“A great day of madness in Italy”. It could be the title of a movie. In reality, this sentence sums up the dramatic end of Mario Draghi’s government of national unity. The Prime Minister obtained the confidence of the Senate, but with too paltry a number of votes. He will present his irrevocable resignation to the Head of State.

From our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

Mario Draghi will go to the Quirinal Palace on Thursday July 21 to inform the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, of his decision to throw in the towel definitively.

And for good reason: he found in the Senate that it is impossible to recompose the same majority as that born under his leadership in February 2021. Three parties of his majority, La Ligue, Forza Italia and the 5-star Movement, did not participate. to this vote of confidence: 95 votes yes and 38 no out of 133 parliamentarians present, while the Senate has 315 elected members and 5 senators appointed for life.

Analysis by Lynda Dematteo, researcher at EHESS and specialist in Italy

Out of respect for the institutions, he will speak Thursday morning before the Chamber of Deputies, as planned. Then, we will have to wait for the end of his interview with Sergio Mattarella to have an idea of ​​the orientations of the Head of State, whose role will be decisive, as in any crisis of government.

According to major daily newspapers, such as La Repubblica and La Stampathe Italians will not escape early elections which could be held at the beginning of October.

The European Commissioner for the Economy denounces “the irresponsible” who let Draghi go

The European Commissioner for the Economy, the Italian Paolo Gentiloni, judged ” irresponsible » the parties of the national unity coalition in Italy which let go of the head of government Mario Draghi at the risk of « cause a storm “. ” We fear difficult months, but we are a big country “, he wrote on his Twitter account.

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