After threats of a million fine – Ivo inspected Sundsvall’s hospital

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

SVT has previously told about the fine from Ivo that looms over the Västernorrland region. Although the region has gone from 170 care places to 193 care places since Ivo left his demand, a number of care places remain to fulfill the minimum requirement of 219 places.

After the region responded to Ivo’s demands, the authority requested to carry out an inspection of Sundsvall’s hospital. During Thursday, Ivo was on site to visit a number of departments. During the visit, Ivo is said to have wanted to speak with care site coordinators, operational managers and quality and patient safety at Sundsvall Hospital.

Kjell Norman, Director of Health and Medical Services in the Västernorrland region, wanted a dialogue with Ivo, but is critical of how it has been handled by the authority.

– We have tried to have dialogue, but it has been very one-sided, if I may say so. We want to have a dialogue, but it is very difficult to get it going. Nor are we alone in this in Sweden, but it is a problem that health and medical care directors have pointed out at the national level. We don’t just want inspections, but of course they are also governed by their regulations, says Norman.

In the clip: Hear Kjell Norman, Director of Health and Medical Services for the Västernorrland region, about why they did not manage the number of care places.
