after the Télam agency, public broadcasting in turn in turmoil

after the Telam agency public broadcasting in turn in turmoil

Javier Milei continues his attacks against his country’s public media. After closing the national press agency Télam in March, almost overnight, the ultraliberal Argentine president is now attacking the audiovisual sector. The websites and social networks of public television and radio are now suspended.

1 min

With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Théo Conscience

Site under reconstruction »: this is the message that is now displayed when you try to access the web pages of Argentine public television and radio. In a press release, the government of Javier Milei explained that public media communication channels were suspended for a “ reorganization process “.

The Argentine Federation of Press Workers immediately denounced a gagging of public broadcasting, which is part of the broader process of dismantling initiated by Javier Milei since he came to power.

Considering that public media had become organs of propaganda, the ultraliberal president began by cutting official advertising funding. He then closed the historic national press agency Télam at the beginning of March. And he finally presented a bill, currently being examined by senators, which should allow the privatization of public television and radio.

These measures and the repeated attacks by the head of state against journalists have caused theArgentina 26 places in the annual ranking of press freedom published by Reporter Without Borders at the beginning of May, the NGO even going so far as to designate Javier Milei as one of the “ claimed predators of press freedom “.

To rereadArgentina: public press agency Télam closed to its employees, website inaccessible
