After the ‘spy balloon’ crisis, a detailed statement came from China: To attack and defame…

After the spy balloon crisis a detailed statement came from

China made a detailed statement today about the ‘spy balloon’ that entered the US airspace on Thursday and caused the crisis. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the balloon deviated too much from its course and said, “It is a civilian aircraft used for research, especially for meteorological purposes.”


In a statement made today by the Spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he stated that the balloon deviated from its course due to force majeure and China confirmed this and informed the US side. In the statement of the Ministry, it was stated that;

“It is a civilian aircraft used for research, primarily for meteorological purposes. Affected by the West Winds and having limited self-steering capabilities, the aircraft deviated greatly from its planned course.

This is an unexpected situation caused entirely by force majeure and the facts are very clear. China always acts in strict accordance with international law and respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.

We do not intend and have never violated the territory or airspace of any sovereign country. Some politicians and media in the US have exaggerated it to attack and defame China. The Chinese side strongly opposes this.”


Making a statement yesterday after the balloon entered the US airspace, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “In light of China’s unacceptable action, I spoke with CCP Central Foreign Office Director Wang Yi this morning to convey that I am postponing my planned trip to China this weekend. As you know, President Biden and President Xi agreed that I should go to Beijing and follow their talks during their meeting in Bali in November.”


The Spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the following about Blinken’s postponement of his visit to China;

“Maintaining contact and communication at all levels is an important common understanding that the Presidents of China and the US reached at their meeting in Bali.

One of the duties of the diplomatic teams on both sides is to manage bilateral relations properly, especially to manage some unexpected situations in a cool and prudent manner.

In fact, neither side had announced that there would be a visit. Making the final statement is a US matter and we respect that.” (DHA)
