after the Sorbonne, high schools towards a protest path?

after the Sorbonne high schools towards a protest path

After the blocking of the Sorbonne or Science Po, a call for demonstration is launched by student unions, but also high school students. In Paris, as everywhere in France, demonstrations against the two presidential candidates are planned for this Saturday, April 16. And more generally, many unions and associations are calling for mobilization against the far right. Will the high school students respond?

Vincent is a French teacher in a Parisian high school. With colleagues and students, they will be present at the demonstration this Saturday and explain it at the microphone ofAram Mbenguefrom the Company department.

The students are worried about the turn of the elections, because we have already experienced five years of Macron. In education, it was very hard. And then Le Pen is racist France. So that, the students, that worries them a lot.

Concern also among the students, as in this boy in the final class.

Marine Le Pen is very dangerous to elect her, people don’t realize. Me, frankly, I’m going to demonstrate because it’s not normal, it’s illogical. In fact, the second round is not a choice that all French people want, it is: we will take the least worst

But for these two young girls, there’s no point in protesting

It will be useless in a way, because in any case, it was France’s choice to be between Macron and Le Pen. So we chose it like this…

People demonstrate, but it’s useless, nothing is actually done. I have the impression that we are taken for a bit for idiots, in fact. We are given excuses to calm down, and then they do what they want

Student and high school organizations are calling for demonstrations all over France this weekend to, they say, “block Marine Le Pen” without giving instructions to vote for Emmanuel Macron.

Dozens of demonstrations are also planned in France on Saturday April 16, 2022 to say “no” to the far right, eight days before the second round of the presidential election, at the call of many organizations and unions including the Ligue des human rights, the CGT or the Syndicate of the judiciary. Students should participate.

►Read again: Parisian students are up against the Macron-Le Pen choice
