After the snow chaos on E22 – those responsible are required to answer

After the snow chaos on E22 those responsible are

The Sweden Democrats took the initiative to invite the Swedish Transport Administration to the Riksdag’s traffic committee to let the authority give its explanation of the situation on the E22 during Wednesday and Thursday, when thousands of people were stuck in the cold for several hours when the road was blocked due to a snowstorm. After that, KD, C, MP and V have followed.

— The Director General (of the Swedish Transport Agency) is very welcome to the committee to give an account of the incident, says Ulrika Hey (C), chairman of the traffic committee, to the radio.

She, like representatives MP and V, at the same time emphasizes that there are several responsible authorities that are of interest to hear, among other things about how the coordination of the rescue work worked.

A: The Minister’s responsibility

The Social Democrats’ traffic policy spokesperson Gunilla Svantorp believes instead that it is the infrastructure minister Andreas Carlsson (KD) who should be held accountable.

– I think it is much more important that it is the minister who comes, because the Swedish Transport Administration acts on orders from the ministers, she tells Ekot.

In a comment to Today’s news says Andreas Carlsson that he “takes the incident seriously” and states that the responsible authorities will make an initial evaluation of the situation on Monday.

“The government and I will follow the evaluation and take part in the conclusions. The government is ready to make the decisions that may be required,” he tells the newspaper.

Comprehensive review

One of the authorities that will take a closer look at what happened on the motorway is the Skåne County Administrative Board, reports P4 Kristianstad. The investigation must be shared by the actors, which means that there is an evaluation of the entire system rather than an examination of the incident within the respective authority, the radio channel states.
