After the snow chaos: Canceled trains and many delays

Anders Andersson commutes between Uppsala and Solna because of his job, and has done so for about 10 years.

Do you feel that it usually happens like this when the snow comes?

– Yes absolutely. I’m used to it, says Anders Andersson.

Student Monserrat Flores commutes between Uppsala and Stockholm and says there are often delays.

– It makes me both late for school and then not home in time to do things that need to be done, she says.

The Swedish Transport Administration’s press department writes in an email to SVT that:

“Uppsala is one of the areas that had a lot of snow and strong wind. The combination has led to gearbox failure, it drives again and we have had a number of gearboxes ice up again in the Uppsala area. Our contractors have worked intensively to keep the gears clean from icing and clogging again. We have alternating heating along the railway, but if there is a lot of snow and wind at once as it did now, the heating will not have time to melt it away. Then you have to go out with staff who manually hack away the ice in the gears.”

– I usually ask if my father can pick me up, but that’s not a long-term solution, says Monserrat Flores.
