During late Monday evening, the police were called to Hok in Vaggeryd municipality after a suspected attempted murder took place. Three people were arrested on suspicion of serious weapons offenses and attempted murder, but two of them have now been released.
Carried away bleeding profusely
The police were alerted at 11pm on Monday after a serious violent crime had occurred in Hok. At first, the police were very secretive – but during Tuesday morning they announced that a shooting had occurred.
– A man was carried away by the police to the ambulance which was standing some distance away, bleeding profusely, said a witness who SVT spoke to after the incident.
It is a man who is in the age range of 40-49 years according to a press release from the emergency department at Ryhov county hospital in Jönköping. His injuries are considered serious.
Shortly, the prosecutor is expected to make a decision on whether or not the man who is being held should be remanded in custody.
SVT seeks the prosecutor for a comment.