After the SD disclosure – L’s proposal for the crisis meeting

After the SD disclosure Ls proposal for the crisis



full screen Liberal party secretary Jakob Olofsgård. Archive image. Photo: Samuel Steén/TT

All the Riksdag’s party secretaries are meeting today for a meeting following the revelation that SD operated anonymous accounts.

The Liberals want all Swedish parties to sign a code of conduct about behaving honestly and democratically.

The proposal will be put forward during the meeting between all party secretaries held after Kalla fakta’s high-profile review of SD’s anonymous accounts on social media.

The code of conduct is the same that all European party groups, including the Swedish parties, signed before the EU elections, where they agree to behave honestly and democratically towards each other and towards the voters.

It should make it clear “that we do not use communication under false names, spread discriminatory statements and that we behave respectfully towards each other and towards the voters”, writes Jakob Olofsgård, the Liberals’ party secretary, in a written statement.

“The Liberals have already demanded that parties stop using fake accounts – and unless all parties agree to this, we have proposed to move forward with legislation against anonymous accounts from parties that collect party support. This is a development of that proposal,” says Jakob Olofsgård.
