After the receipt dispute in SD Dalarna – now the party district is reported to the police by its own accountant

On June 11, SD’s party support from the Dalarna Region of approximately two million kroner was stopped, because the party’s accountant rejected the accounting for 2023 as she believes that there was a lack of documentation for several transactions.

Now the accountant, Margareta Lindgren, is reporting the district to the police as she believes that she still hasn’t been given access to the complete documentation. It was Avesta newspaper first to tell.

– I have not seen any receipts. They can come and show me. If everything is correct, I will withdraw the report, but I must have proof, she tells SVT Nyheter Dalarna.

“It’s just nonsense”

The district chairman in Dalarna, Rasmus Giertz, comments on the police report against the district as follows:

– It’s just nonsense and it will be shut down. There is documentation for all verifications and transactions. They are in a binder at the party’s office, he tells SVT Nyheter Dalarna.

Rasmus Giertz also says that Margareta Lindgren was asked to come to review the accounting, but Lindgren believes that it was not done in the right way.

– There was an email saying that I should choose which day I wanted to come to look at the binder, but that’s not how it’s going to happen. It is the treasurer who must have the folder and hand it to the auditor. It is required that I review receipts and it is a huge job that would take several days, says Lindgren.

New application to the region

The SD district has submitted an updated report to the region. There, Sonny Pettersson (SD) has been appointed as the party’s auditor and approved the accounting. A new application for party support is now on the regional board’s table.

– I just quickly looked through it and sent it on to the chancellery department. They need to look at it and think about whether it needs to be supplemented, says regional board chairman Elin Norén (S).

She believes there are conditions to get the application approved.

– The requirements in the Municipal Act are that there is a fair report and that it has been reviewed by an auditor appointed by the party. If they chose a new one and approved it, I think that will be considered sufficient, she says.

In mid-September, the regional board will decide whether the party support is to be paid out or not.

See the video below from June 11, when the council decided to stop SD’s party support.

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In the video clip, Elin Norén shows what the problem is with SD’s submitted material, and Rasmus Giertz (SD) explains why they should appeal the decision Photo: Alfred Jakobsson/SVT
