After the poisoning allegations, Putin took action! Secretaries, cooks, bodyguards…

After the poisoning allegations Putin took action Secretaries cooks bodyguards

Vladimir Putin allegedly replaced hundreds of personal staff, including cooks, secretaries, laundry workers and bodyguards, out of a sense of insecurity.

While many Russian generals have been killed so far, it is reported that thousands of Russian soldiers have also died. The sighting of many private jets belonging to Russian oligarchs on their way to Dubai has raised questions about internal security in Moscow.

A French intelligence agent claimed that it was possible for Putin to be removed from power by a coup from within the Kremlin, and that assassination could be the way to go.

Their fears are not justified

It seems that Putin’s fears are not unfounded, given that even top political figures openly encourage those close to Putin against any assassination attempt.

South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham tweeted a public appeal for Putin’s death, saying, “The only way this will end is for someone in Russia to kill this man. You would be doing your country and the world a great service.” said.


The French intelligence agent claimed that if an assassination were to occur, poisoning was certainly the likely way forward.

The Russian government is known to have used the nerve agent Novichok, a chemical poison, in the 2018 murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury.

The French agent said, “The attempt will be from inside the Kremlin. Russian intelligence is probably the only one holding the poison.” said.
