Senna is a fairly unusual support in League of Legends. As the game progresses, she gets stronger and stronger and after a certain amount of time becomes a strong DPS champion. Riot wanted to counteract this and improved her shields and healing. This was apparently too much of a good thing.
How was Senna changed in patch 14.16? In the current patch notes, Riot explains that she is currently too strong in the pro sector when combined with farming tanks. For example, there was a phase in which she was played with Tahm Kench.
However, it is no longer supposed to work well for weaker players, as they want to play it as a classic support. That is why Riot has made some adjustments.
However, this change was apparently too strong, as Riot wants to weaken Senna again in the next patch.
In LoL’s newest mode, you don’t have to worry about strong Sennas:
Swarm – Trailer for the new LoL PvE mode
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The changes missed the mark
What impact did the changes have on Senna’s statistics? If you compare her stats on U.GG you can see the success of the changes. In patch 14.15 she only had a win rate of 48.84% in the Emerald ranks and above. Her pick rate was 4.4% and her ban rate was 1.3%. (As of August 22, 2024)
In the current patch 14.16, things are looking much better for her. She is currently the most successful supporter at Emerald and higher, with a win rate of 52.96% and a high pick rate of 19.9%. This also makes her the most played supporter in these ranks. Her ban rate also rose to a high 12.7%. (As of August 22, 2024)
This is a bit too much for Riot. As Dot Esports reports, Senna is getting some nerfs to her new scaling.
The wish of many players is fulfilled. In a reddit thread, a player showed an enchanter build for Senna and how powerful her improved shield and healing are. The nerfs that Senna is now experiencing should please many players. Patch 14.17 is expected to hit the live server on August 28, 2024. However, some planned nerfs or buffs may still change by then. Many LoL veterans no longer play the main mode: More and more players over 30 who log into LoL no longer play the classic LoL