after the legislative elections, the consultation ball at the Élysée

after the legislative elections the consultation ball at the Elysee

The French president consults. Emmanuel Macron wanted to pull himself together this Tuesday, June 21, by receiving the leaders of the various parties who, from now on, will have to share a National Assembly in which there is no longer an absolute majority. The head of government is to the job “, says the Elysée. Update on the main political declarations of the day.

The French Prime Minister presented her resignation to the Head of State on Tuesday, who refused it, ” so that the government can stay on task », according to the terms chosen by the presidency.

Elisabeth Borne then led an executive meeting at the start of the afternoon. ” France continues to move forward and the government (is) at work with its Prime Minister “Explained government spokeswoman Olivia Grégoire at the end of the meeting.

The three ministers beaten in Sunday’s polls have not yet resigned. But Amélie de Montchalin (Ecological Transition), Brigitte Bourguignon (Health) and Justine Benin (Sea), should do so soon, she also said, in accordance with Emmanuel Macron’s rule.

A reshuffle will obviously be carried out, so that the personalities who have not been victorious and who will leave the government are replaced, taking into account the extent of their perimeter.

Olivia Grégoire, after the Matignon meeting

Macron “considers” the constitution of a “government of national unity”, says Roussel

This Tuesday, the President of the Republic received the boss of the Gaullist formation Les Républicains, Christian Jacob, but also the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure.

The president of the MoDem, the ally François Bayrou, was also received, as was the general delegate of Emmanuel Macron’s party, Renaissance, namely Stanislas Guerini.

Also passed by the presidency on Tuesday the national secretary of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, and the leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen.

Below, the point on the main political statements of this new day of the unknown.

• Fabien Roussel, PCF

He ” asked me if we were ready to work in a government of national unity “and if such an initiative” was the solution to get the country out of the crisis “Launched Fabien Roussel at the exit. “ He envisages, or the constitution of a government of national unity, if there were the parties to participate in it “, Where ” to seek support on a case-by-case basis “, according ” the subjects “.

• Christian Jacob, LR

After his own date, Christian Jacob stayed straight in his boots, refusing “ any logic of pact “with Emmanuel Macron, without, however, ” never “to find oneself in” blockage of institutions “. An opposition position that the LR boss holds, but which is contested in the ranks.

• Marine Le Pen, RN

Like the day before, Marine Le Pen hammered, leaving the Élysée, that the RN claimed the presidency of the finance committee and a vice-presidency of the Assembly. And to unfold its new line, that of a responsible group, ” in opposition ” but without ” filibuster “.

• Olivier Faure, PS

Finally, the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, says he explained to President Macron that the PS deputies would be ” arranged ” at ” to advance “, if the government were to take measures going in their direction on the purchasing power, in particular concerning an increase in the minimum wage.

• Jean-Luc Mélenchon, LFI

On Wednesday, the Head of State must still receive the ecologist Julien Bayou (EELV), and the members of La France insoumise, Adrien Quatennens and Mathilde Panot, leaders of the LFI group in the Assembly.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon dropped his shots on Tuesday. He explained that there would be no question of national unity and opted for the Prime Minister to submit to a vote of confidence by the deputies.

This woman has no legitimacy “, he let go. ” We are wasting our time before she leaves. “And to add, implacable, that he was waiting” let the fruit fall from the tree “.

• Edouard Philippe, Horizons

For their part, the allies of Emmanuel Macron try to believe it. Édouard Philippe, who is to be received this Wednesday, calls for a “grand coalition”, an expression borrowed from the last German governments. He is of course thinking of personalities, in particular, from the right, or from the PS and EELV…

We are going to have to form a large coalition (…) with people who spontaneously do not want to work together, with people who are committed to different programs, with people who have criticized each other

• Francois Bayrou, MoDem

François Bayrou proposes to approach national unity as much as possible.

There have been election campaigns, there have been confrontations, there have been clashes. But at least, everyone must feel a share of responsibility in what is coming.

François Bayrou leaving the Élysée

An impossible schedule

These consultations, as the Presidency of the Republic hopes, will contribute to “ identify possible constructive solutions at the service of the French people “. Sort of an attempt to put things in order.

Mr. Macron is due to leave on Thursday, first to Brussels for a European Council, then to Germany for a G7 summit, Madrid for a NATO summit, and finally Lisbon for a UN conference.

His Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, tried to secure his back on Tuesday, as well as those of Elisabeth Borne, denouncing the “ lessons of legitimacy by Jean-Luc Melenchon.

He recalled, just to delimit the perimeters, that Ms. Borne is ” a woman who is Prime Minister and who was elected by the French », and that the majority, admittedly relative, « received the most votes and the most seats in the National Assembly “.

The Prime Minister intends to receive, next week, the presidents of groups when they have been elected, according to the government spokesperson. A week that promises to be eventful.

►Consult all our articles dedicated to the French legislative elections
