After the Israeli military operation, Jenin buries its dead in pain and bitterness

After the Israeli military operation Jenin buries its dead in

Thousands of Palestinians attended the funerals of their loved ones killed this week in Jenin by the Israeli army. The occupying troops carried out a murderous offensive against this Palestinian city. Combat helicopters, missiles, drones, significant resources have been deployed. The army finally withdrew on Wednesday morning July 5. She leaves behind a bereaved city and a deep bitterness.

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa

The emotion is strong, the anger intense in Jenin. The funeral processions are accompanied by volleys of gunfire. The city is scarred. A landscape of desolation. ” A feeling of helplessness and injustice, which feeds the desire for revenge “says a resident. ” Israelis will never live in peace as long as occupation and repression continue “, he decides.

Read alsoIsraeli military operation in Jenin: UN condemns ‘excessive use of force’

“Our corrupt leaders are traitors”

The anger is also directed at the Palestinian Authority. Some Palestinian officials came to attend the funeral. Booed, insulted, they had the right to walk in shame, forced to flee Jenin under the whistles of a rebellious crowd. From the first day of the offensive, Israel announces: the operation is carried out in coordination with the Palestinian Authority “.

In Jenin, as in the rest of the West Bank, no one is fooled. The Palestinians know it, they say it: our corrupt leaders are traitors in the service of the enemy “.

The sun sets in Jenin this Friday, July 7, the day ends, calm returns. For how long ? The city, which has been repeatedly bruised, is on borrowed time. Israel has completed one operation, but others will follow.

Read alsoAfter Jenin, the Israeli army launches a deadly operation in Nablus
